Archive by category: Wellness Tips & TrendsReturn
You might not know it, but almost everything you’re consuming contains a certain amount of sugar. From the “sugar-free” soft drinks to the sugar you add to your cup of coffee, it’s hidden everywhere. Though sugar itself isn’t bad per se, consuming too much of it can have adverse health effects, so it’s integral to check your sugar intake. Let’s take a look at some types of sugar substitutes that you absolutely need to try today.
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Do you sleep like a log when you hit the hay? Unfortunately, many of us don’t. It’s no surprise, then, that the popularity of melatonin, a natural sleep aid, is on the rise. Is this the cure we’ve been searching for on sleepless nights? Could taking melatonin too often actually make our sleep worse overall? We don’t want you losing sleep over these questions — so let’s dive in.
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that primarily impacts the joints by causing inflammation and damage. RA is chronic, meaning it can last for a long time, and it is progressive, meaning it can get worse over time. However, RA is both treatable and manageable through a combination of medical therapies and lifestyle adaptations, including exercise.
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Many people are cutting back on (or cutting out) how much meat they eat per week. Some families start by doing Meatless Monday once a week, others save meat just for special occasions, and others are going full vegetarian or vegan. Check out some of our favorite plant-based must-haves from Trader Joe’s.
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While many of us are excited to be back working in a physical office, it can be difficult getting in as much movement as we could during that WFH life. If you used to walk around the block between meetings or squeeze in a workout during your lunch break, you might find yourself feeling antsy by the end of your shift.
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Curious what all those beverages are that fill the fridges as you walk into the club? Aside from the water that you can win for checking in five times a month, some of them might be confusing to the untrained eye. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. We spoke with Personal Trainer and supplement expert Lonnie P. from In-Shape Lodi for all the deets.The health supplement business is booming and bigger than ever – and at 36 billion dollars a year there must be something to it.  ...
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We all struggle with the motivation to work out consistently. Even famous athletes who’ve dedicated their lives to a sport struggle! So, we pulled together our favorite fitness quotes to help you stay motivated on those days when it is HARD! Find your favorite.
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If you purchased a fitness tracker recently, you probably heard the newer models track something called Heart Rate Variability. If that doesn’t ring any bells, you’re gonna want to keep reading, because it turns out your HRV can tell you a lot.
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Picture this: you’re sticking to your workout plan, eating right, and pumped about your health and fitness journey. A few weeks in, you step on the scale—and the number hasn’t budged! What gives?
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If you're trying to improve your eating habits, weight or overall health, you may be considering a smartphone app to track your daily calories. We have found some of the best calorie-counter apps on the market and compiled them below to help you decide which one is worth a download.
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