3 Reasons To Start Weight Training
Are you a cardio fanatic who glances at the weights on your way to the treadmill and wonders, “is weight training right for me?” Or maybe you love Zumba classes but have always been curious about trying BODYPUMP.
Weight training can look intimidating, we get it. But weight training can be a lot of different things. It’s deadlifting in the weight room, sure, but it’s also adding an M7: Strong class to your weekly rotation of studio fitness classes, or using the selectorized strength equipment after you finish on the treadmill. It could also be trying out a medicine ball workout on your own in the 360FIT area.
Weight training is a lot of fun, and it’s also really good for you. Keep reading for our three top reasons why you should start weight training.
1. You’ll get stronger!
This one might seem obvious, but one huge benefit of weight training is that your body will get stronger. That might eventually mean bigger muscles, but even more important than that? You’ll be able to carry your groceries with ease, give your kids piggy-back rides, help your friends move—you get the idea. Being stronger can make your life easier. And BTW, you don’t need to worry about getting bulky from adding strength training to your weekly routine.
2. It’s good for your bones
Studies have shown that strength training helps promote new bone growth and maintain the strength of your bones. Living a sedentary lifestyle is also a risk factor for osteopenia and osteoporosis. Future you will say thanks for the lift!
3. Your cardio will improve, too!
Even if you’re a serious cardio lover—maybe you’re training for a marathon or play a sport with a lot of running—that doesn’t mean you should only do cardio on your training days. Stronger muscles mean better performance, period. Stronger core muscles will help support your body better during cardio, and stronger legs mean you can get that extra boost you need on the track or field.
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