Archive by author: In-ShapeReturn
As a special treat for Valentine’s Day, we sat down with Coach Jen and Coach Irma — a power couple you might recognize if you take studio fitness classes at our Napa, Suisun or Elmira clubs! Get a little peek into their love story and why they enjoy working out together, plus some tips for couples who aspire to be workout buddies.
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When it comes to getting lunch on the go, we’re all looking for the same things: something healthy, easy, and hopefully not too expensive. If there’s a Trader Joe’s on your way, look for one of the five lunch options below. From vegan wraps to grilled chicken, there’s sure to be something you’ll like.
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Have you gotten your steps in today? While it turns out there’s nothing magical about that 10,000 step goal you always hear about, moving more each week should always be a goal, and that can include getting more steps in. If you’re having trouble reaching your personal step goals, give a few of these ideas a try. You’ll be getting those steps in before you know it!
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Chores are a great way to instill kids with a sense of responsibility, along with teaching them skills they’ll use for the rest of their lives. Remember, we shouldn’t expect perfection from our kids — and we should do what we can to make it fun. Try putting on music or making things into a game: "Pick up 5 things as fast as you can. Ready. Set. Go!” And make sure to offer lots of praise, both during and after they complete their chores.
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People always say there’s strength in numbers, and it turns out that’s true. Find out what experts say about pairing up with a partner to exercise, then text a friend you think might want to join you on your fitness journey. Don’t forget — at In-Shape, you can add more than just family members to your membership; you can add your friends, too. Here’s why we think you should.
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We’ve all woken up from a rough night’s sleep and had trouble getting out of bed. If you’re drinking a third cup of coffee today, you’ll want to keep reading. We’ve rounded up some of the coolest sleep gadgets we could find. Which of these do you wanna try?
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You’ve probably heard that eating less meat is good for your health—and the environment. You’ve probably even heard of Meatless Mondays – when you dedicate one day a week to eating all vegetarian meals. It’s actually pretty easy to eat meat-free, but things get tricky when you start watching your carbs. To keep things simple, we’re sharing 5 of our favorite dinner recipes for your first month of Meatless Mondays. Bon Appetit!
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Want to see what you’re really made of? Fitness is about way more than a number on a scale, and BMI measurements don’t take muscle into account. So, what’s really the best way to measure results? We’d like to introduce you to the InBody.
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Hectic schedules, a regular lack of sleep and occasional meltdowns (sometimes theirs, sometimes yours) are common occurrences when you’re a parent. So… when are you supposed to work out? Once you’re at In-Shape, our Kid Zone can keep your kids entertained, but what about on the days you just know you won’t have time for a trip to the club?
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You’ve probably seen advertisements from fast food chains now offering plant-based options like The Impossible Burger or Beyond Beef. Experts seem to agree that these “meats” are better for the environment, but what about when it comes to your health? Are they actually better for you than regular meat?
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